[pkg-apparmor] AppArmor user stories to create usertags for Debian BTS
u at 451f.org
Fri Jan 9 11:41:45 UTC 2015
we want to improve AppArmor support in Debian. That is why I have
compiled some user stories [1].
These user stories shall help us to define a set of usertags which can
be used on the Debian BTS by any contributor and help to make the
pkg-apparmor team aware if help is needed on a specific task.
They shall also help to provide a transversal view of bugs related to
Please let's discuss the stories and the proposed set of usertags here.
As each usertag also always involves a user
(pkg-apparmor-team at lists.alioth.debian.org), there is no specific need
to precede the tags by the "aa-" suffix.
The aim of this discussion is
- to document the usertags to various personas who need them (on
- to send an email to debian-devel in order to inform Debian
contributors of these tags.
Furthermore, I started to write a blogpost about it, which should be
published on planet.debian.org after review.
[1] https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Progress#User_Stories
Here is a copy of what is currently on the wiki:
1 Feature: Ship AppArmor profile
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian package maintainer,
4 When I want to ship an AppArmor profile in "my" package,
5 If this profile exists upstream or in the
apparmor-profiles-extra package
6 Then I need to be told how to do that.
→ Documentation: AppArmor/PakageMaintainers
1 Feature: New AppArmor profile
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian contributor,
4 Given that I have written or found an AppArmor profile for "my"
5 And this profile does not exist in apparmor-profiles-extra nor
6 Then I need to be told how to ask for review of that profile.
→ Usertag "new-profile"
→ Documentation: AppArmor/ContributeUpstream
1 Feature: Update or Patch AppArmor profile
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian contributor,
4 When I want to request that an existing profile will be
updated, patched or changes merged,
5 Then I need to be told how to make the AppArmor team aware of
my needs.
→ Usertag "merge-request" (merging means patching upstream or applying
an upstream patch to the pkg/apparmor-profiles-extra)
→ Usertag "patch", if patch: attach patch to bugreport.
1 Feature: Find out if a bug is AppArmor related
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian package maintainer,
4 Who ships an AppArmor profile in "my" package,
5 When I receive a bug report that might be caused by AppArmor,
6 Then I want to:
7 * be told how to diagnose if AppArmor is involved
8 * if yes, be told how to put the problem under the
pkg-apparmor team's radar
→ Usertag "help-needed", to request help for initial diagnosis
→ Usertag "broken" or "broken-profile" if AppArmor has been identified
as culprit
1 Feature: Test AppArmor profile
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian package maintainer,
4 Who ships an AppArmor profile in "my" package,
5 When I prepare an upload for a new upstream release,
6 Then I want to check that it still works under AppArmor
→ this is described in the documentation
→ Usertag "test-needed", to request help for testing
1 Feature: Other AppArmor related problems
2 Scenario:
3 As a Debian contributor,
4 When I encounter problems with any AppArmor related tools
(apparmor-notify, auditd, syslog, etc.),
5 And I submit a bug report,
6 Then I want to make the team aware of those bugs.
→ Usertag: related
→ Currently, there is a usertag called "ux" for a bug related to
auditd's formatting of AppArmor related messages.
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