[pkg-apparmor] DebConf

Christian Boltz apparmor-debian at cboltz.de
Wed Jul 22 21:53:55 UTC 2015


Am Montag, 20. Juli 2015 schrieb u:
> Christian Boltz:
> > can those who come to DebConf (Holger? intrigeri? Ulrike? someone
> > else?) please give a short overview on which days you'll be there?
> I can do that. Will send you my dates privately :)

Thanks! That even matches (some of) the days Holger is there :-)

> > BTW: In the Debian wiki, the /PackageMaintainers link on the
> > AppArmor
> > pages redirects to an empty page:
> > https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Contribute/PackageMaintainers?actio
> > n=show&redirect=AppArmor%2FPackageMaintainers Can someone fix this,
> > please?
> This should (and does) redirect to
> https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Contribute/FirstTimeProfileImport :)

It seems to depend on the click path.

Open https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor and click "/PackageMaintainers".

This leads you to the empty page I described:

It only shows two redirect notes:
    Hierher umgeleitet von Seite "AppArmor/PackageMaintainers"  ("redirected from ...")
    Diese Seite wird umgeleitet auf "AppArmor/Contribute/FirstTimeProfileImport" ("this page redirect to ...")

Maybe the problem is the double redirection, so changing that to a 
single redirect (for example by changing the link target or redirect 
target of "/PackageMaintainers") is already enough to fix it.

For comparison - if I go to
(without the ?... part), then I'm successfully redirected to the
FirstTimeProfileImport page.


Christian Boltz
D: is just a data disk.  That's why it's called "D", for "DATA".
C: is the Windows OS disk, so it's called "C", for "CRAP".
                                               [David P. Murphy]

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