[pkg-apparmor] Bug#866792: irssi profile should be in complain mode

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Sun Jul 2 08:29:06 UTC 2017


Antoine Beaupre:
> The apparmor profile for irssi is way too restrictive. […]

I agree with your analysis.

Meta: this profile was added to aa-p-extra by Holger, who stopped
working on this package a while ago (#824462). I have no personal
interest in it and I am not in a position to maintain it properly (I
don't use irssi myself).

So I see 2 options:

 a) ship usr.bin.irssi in complain mode
 b) stop shipping usr.bin.irssi entirely

(a) makes sense to me as a temporary way to encourage interested
people to submit improvements upstream until this profile is suitable
for widespread usage. If this works, fine: at some point we will be
able to revert the change and ship the profile in enforce mode again.
If this fails, then I will want to go with (b) before the Buster

To anyone who wants to improve this profile:

 * it lives in

 * Ulrike was kind enough to document how to prepare and send merge
   requests upstream:


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