[pkg-apparmor] Bug#879590: apparmor: Decide how we enable AppArmor by default

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Thu Oct 26 15:07:33 UTC 2017

> But I'm not sure what's the best way to pull the apparmor package:

> 1. on testing/sid upgrades, during the Buster dev cycle: this would
>    greatly increase the value of the "enable AppArmor by default for
>    a while" experiment;
> 2. during Stretch to Buster upgrades: this seems necessary so every
>    user gets the AppArmor benefits, regardless of when they installed
>    their system initially.

> I could not find anything better so far than having another package,
> that's already installed by default, add a "Recommends: apparmor" (I'm
> assuming that APT installs newly recommended packages by default on
> upgrade). This feels artificial and rather ugly, but it might be the
> only option. I'll ask more people around.

I've just asked help on debian-devel@ about it.

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