[pkg-apparmor] Bug#742829: closed by intrigeri <intrigeri at debian.org> (Bug#742829: fixed in apparmor 2.10.95-8)

Daniel Richard G. skunk at iSKUNK.ORG
Fri Sep 29 20:09:02 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017 Sep 29 00:18+0200, Guido Günther wrote:
> Attaching to this the report is fine. I can handle it from there.

Okay, greatly appreciated. My current profile is attached. Please Cc: me
on the new bug report.

As it happens, this file is identical to the current version of the
profile in the apparmor-profiles Git repository, with the exception of
the Debian alias lines.

It seems that the AppArmor folks accepted my changes in the merge
request, not by approving the merge, but by applying the changes to a
new version-specific copy in the repo. They added a few more things of
their own, which I have in turn merged into my/this copy.

I never heard anything from them about this, however; I learned about
this only now that I diffed my profile with their latest. Their process
could certainly stand to be more transparent.
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