[pkg-apparmor] Bug#826218: Better document complain mode and debugging process

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Mon Jan 29 11:40:44 UTC 2018


I'd like us to complete this in time for the Buster freeze.

Three action items were identified on this bug report. One has been
done, another is pending review upstream, and the third one remains to
be tackled:

1. have aa-complain(8) mention that deny rules are still enforced

   → done a while ago

2. have apparmor(7) clarify that reloading a profile immediately takes
   effect for processes that are already running under that profile

   → I've just submitted a merge request:

3. ensure the debugging commands John mentioned on this bug report
   are documented in some place that power users can find

   → back then, Ulrike had volunteered to do this. Is this still on
   your radar or do you prefer someone else to step up and take over?


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