[pkg-apparmor] AppArmor 3.x & Debian

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Tue Oct 27 08:10:59 GMT 2020


I've uploaded 3.0.0-1 to experimental. Thanks to the Ubuntu folks
who did the necessary packaging updates!

I don't plan to upload 3.0 into Debian unstable: given the release
notes read "AppArmor 3.0 will be a short lived release, and will not
receive long term support", I don't want to maintain it in Debian
stable for 3 years (or even 5 if you include Debian LTS).

We may or may not ship 3.1 in Debian 11 (Bullseye).
It will depend on:

 - the relative timing of the future AppArmor 3.1 release
   and the upcoming Debian [freeze]

 - whether policy shipped outside of src:apparmor satisfies the
   requirements of 3.1 (I understand 3.1 will require the declaration
   of a features ABI in every profile, but I may have misunderstood
   this part; please correct me if needed!)

   One way to make it happen is to start updating those profiles:

 - how confident we are in 3.x

   One way to increase this confidence is for enthusiastic folks, who
   have the AppArmor know-how to track down problems and send
   actionable bug reports, to start using 3.0 ASAP. So, if you're
   running testing/sid, please try it out:

     Package: src:apparmor
     Pin: release a=experimental, o=Debian
     Pin-Priority: 990


[freeze] https://release.debian.org/


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