[pkg-apparmor] apparmor.service - get upstream and Debian (mostly?) in sync?

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Nov 5 18:14:23 GMT 2023


Am Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023, 11:42:40 CET schrieb intrigeri:
> Yep, for historical context, IIRC both Debian and OpenSUSE initially
> had their own downstream systemd unit, and then you've upstreamed your
> (OpenSUSE) version, which was a good first step. Since then, nobody
> ensured that upstreamed version was suitable for Debian as well, so
> here we are still shipping our own. In 2018 I did lots of work to
> make the Debian version closer to upstream's but I did not go as far
> as fully converging.
> I won't have time to work on this any time soon myself, but here's
> a suggestion to anyone who will:

I hope you at least have some time to give feedback ;-)

I already got the Documentation=... upstream, and the remaining diff is:

--- upstream
+++ Debian
 Description=Load AppArmor profiles

I'd prefer to not use After=local-fs.target, see below.


-# profile cache: /var/cache/apparmor/ and /usr/share/apparmor/cache/
-After=var.mount var-cache.mount usr.mount usr-share.mount

I guess switching upstream to RequiresMountsFor should be easy.

The most interesting question is if we should keep the dependency on 
/usr/share/apparmor for the precompiled cache.

FYI: I have disabled the precompiled cache in the Tumbleweed packages 
again, because it caused interesting[tm] problems - the parser only 
looks at the timestamps, which meant "old" local additions (older than 
the precompiled cache) were missed.


I'd be somewhat surprised if apparmor gets started before /sys/ is 
mounted, and we already have ConditionSecurity=apparmor in the next 
So - do you think this is really needed?


+# Don't start this unit on the Ubuntu Live CD
+# Don't start this unit on the Debian Live CD when using overlayfs

These lines might be candidates for a drop-in shipped as
/usr/lib/systemd/system/apparmor.service.d/debian.conf in Debian and 


This (together with "After=local-fs.target") is probably the most 
interesting diff.

My goal is to load AppArmor profiles as early as possible, therefore I'd 
prefer to keep sysinit.target. Can I convince you to also use it, and to 
drop "After=local-fs.target"?
(If it helps: the dependencies in the upstream apparmor.service always 
worked in openSUSE.)

Feedback welcome ;-)


Christian Boltz
* mrdocs wonders when darix sleeps
<sshaw> mrdocs: robots don't need sleep
[from #opensuse-buildservice]
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