[pkg-apparmor] Bug#1076663: apparmor-profiles: AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/font-manager

Juan Rafael Fernández García jrfern at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 18:56:45 BST 2024

On Sun, 21 Jul 2024 at 14:40, Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de> wrote:
> Hello,

Hi again

> Am Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024, 12:45:22 MESZ schrieb Juan-Rafael Fernandez:
> > Package: apparmor-profiles
> > Version: 3.1.7-1
> The font-manager profile expects AppArmor >= 4.0, but you have 3.1.7.
> [1] I didn't check which package ships the font-manager profile, but I'm
>     quite sure it isn't part of apparmor-profiles.

I did. Font-manager.

> You (or the font-manager package [1]) will need to change the profile to
> use abi/3.0 instead of abi/4.0 (and maybe remove rule types not yet
> supported in 3.x) for distributions that include AppArmor 3.x.

That's easy to do locally, but should I open a file against
font-manager? Any plans to move to AppArmor 4.x anytime soon?
Juan Rafael Fernández

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