[pkg-apparmor] Bug#1081380: [INTL:ro] Translation-revision of "apparmor" to Romanian

Remus-Gabriel Chelu remusgabriel.chelu at disroot.org
Wed Sep 11 09:47:28 BST 2024

Package: apparmor
Version: N/A
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n, patch

Dear Maintainer,

Please find attached the Romanian translation of the «apparmor» ziped 
file (apparmor-binutils, apparmor-parser and apparmor-utils).

Thanks in advance!


PS: I like to keep the translations of the files I've touched up to 
presenting the updated version of that translation (messages file) 
within 72 hours,
the most normal is to upload the updated translation a few hours after 
its publication.

But for this to happen, I need to be knowing about the presence of an 
updated translation message file.

That's why I would ask you that in the future, when this .pot file 
update will appear,
let me know at my personal e-mail address 
<remusgabriel.chelu at disroot.org>, or
at the mailing list address <debian-l10n-romanian at lists.debian.org>.

Recently, the Weblate-Debian platform has been opened at 
at the moment, it doesn't host any translation projects yet; if you find 
it more
convenient to use this solution that avoids "manual" announcing of 
please let me know so I can subscribe to the project.

I mentioned this platform (Weblate-Debian) because of the message 
received by
all Debian translation teams with the subject:
"Improving collaboration between publicity and localization teams", and 
on the debian-publicity discussion list
<https://lists.debian .org/debian-publicity/2024/08/msg00016.html>. So I 
why should only the Debian Publicity project meet here with the 
teams, and not also other software projects within Debian?
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