[Pkg-auth-maintainers] Bug#698396: simpleid: do not strictly depend on Apache

W. Martin Borgert debacle at debian.org
Tue Apr 3 13:38:23 UTC 2018

Bug #109 is fixed upstream since 2012-11-26.
Any chance to get it into Debian? TIA!

SimpleID 0.8.2

- Bug fixes:
     * #104 Detect missing PHP extensions
     * #105 Incorrect CSS property in simpleid.css
     * #108 Incorrect footer links
     * #109 Incorrect processing of HTTP requests and responses when used with
       SAPI CGI
     * #112 Incorrect reference to html/consent.js in page.inc
- Improvements to user interface:
* #111 Replaced packaged version of jQuery with CDN version

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