[Pkg-auth-maintainers] Bug#923319: #923319: dynalogin: FTBFS with pam >= 1.3

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Sun Mar 31 23:08:26 BST 2019

Control: retitle -1 dynalogin: FTBFS with pam >= 1.3

I think this problem is caused by three factors playing together:

- pam dropped support for PAM_STATIC with version 1.3.0
- libtool always compiles everything both as shared and as static
  object, even if it is a pam_module that only makes sense as shared
- dynalog is incorrectly defining PAM_STATIC compiled non-PIC.

AFAUI it PAM_STATIC was to be used to include a pam module into libpam
directly. As such it makes no sense for dynalogin to define it.
(Also searching for PAM_STATIC with codesearch.debian.net, usually
pam modules only check for it but do not define it (with very few
exceptions, and those I checked yet shishi and dynalogin have FTBFS
because of it)).

As libtool compiles everything both as static and as shared object
(as you might have some mechanism to also use them statically, and
libtool even have some mechanism where you can simulate loadable
plugins on architectures that only support static linking....)
this needless build triggers that code.

But as pam 1.3.0 removed that possibility, it now fails.

I think the proper fix is to simple remove the following three lines:
#ifndef PIC
#define PAM_STATIC
from pam_dynalogin/pam_dynalogin.c

(Additionally it might be worth checking if setting
pam_dynalogin_la_LIBTOOLFLAGS = -shared
im Makefile.am is possible (not sure, as -shared is a compiler (so
LDFLAGS is too late) and a linker option, but not a generic option).
For a targeted fix, just not defining PAM_STATIC should be enough
and safer.)

(The same problem can also be seen in #924123 with shishi).

	Bernhard R. Link
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