[Pkg-auth-maintainers] Bug#990412: pam: PAM doesn't appear to be reading /lib/security

Sam Hartman hartmans at debian.org
Mon Jun 28 14:48:02 BST 2021

control: reassign -1 libpam-yubico
control: severity -1 grave
control: retitle -1 pam_yubico fails to install module in multiarch path
control: found -1 2.23-1

>>>>> "Rowan" == Rowan Wookey <debianbugs at rwky.net> writes:

    Rowan> It appears that in Bullseye pam isn't checking /lib/security.
    Rowan> The libpam-yubico package installes a module in /lib/security
    Rowan> which when configured without an absolute path pam errors
    Rowan> with:

I think that's a bug in the other package.
The issue is that /lib/security is not a multiarch path.
And so I cannot have both an i386 and amd64 version of the module
installed at the same time.
By this point, we really ought to be supporting multiarch.

I'm happy to add breaks relationships in pam on broken modules that
don't provide multiarch paths,
but I'd consider this a grave bug on a module that only installs in
/lib/security at this point.
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