[Pkg-ayatana-devel] gm-notify - GMail notifier for the indicator-applet

Andrew SB a.starr.b at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 19:38:53 UTC 2010

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Kartik Mistry <kartik at debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Andrew SB <a.starr.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
> Hi Andrew,
> (Assumed you're not subscribe to list, so CC to you!)

I am now...

>> I was wondering about the scope of this project. I recently uploaded
>> gm-notify [0], a GMail notifier which integrates with the
>> indicator-applet's messaging menu, to Ubuntu. I also own the Debian
>> ITP [1].  The package isn't actually developed by Ayatana or
>> Canonical, but upstream is hosted in bzr on Launchpad. It also
>> directly depends on the messaging indicator.
>> It seems like the pkg-ayatana team would be a good home for this in
>> Debian, but I'm not sure whether the team is interested in maintaining
>> third-party packages or not. My main hope for maintaining it as part
>> of pkg-ayatana is for the packaging to be a bzr branch based directly
>> from upstream rather than in svn as part of the Python Apps Packaging
>> Team.
> You're most welcome!

Great. I've got a package ready for review on mentors:

- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/gm-notify
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/gm-notify/gm-notify_0.10.2-1.dsc

I've applied to the team on Aloith, once I'm approved I'll push the
packaging branch.

>> Either way, I'd be interested in helping out with pkg-ayatana's other
>> work as well. Are there any tasks that need to be looked after? I
>> notice that indicator-sound hasn't been packaged for Debian yet. I'd
>> be interested in taking a look at that if no one else is...
> Please package it and join the team. Most of our task is to integrate
> Ubuntu version to Debian and upload it with some minor fixes. Most of
> these fixes are Lintian, Standards-Version etc which is generally
> integrated into Ubuntu with next upstream version.

I'll work on it this week. A quick initial look shows that I'll have
to package libido as well.

https://launchpad.net/ido - Indicator Display Objects: Widgets and
other objects used for indicators.


Andrew SB

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