[Pkg-ayatana-devel] ITA: notify-osd -- daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications

Evgeni Golov sargentd at die-welt.net
Thu May 19 08:14:38 UTC 2011


On 05/19/2011 03:32 AM, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:

> I'm going to go ahead and grab this for pkg-ayatana. I've merged the
> newest upstream version from Ubuntu and moved the bzr repo to:
>  http://bzr.debian.org/bzr/pkg-ayatana/notify-osd/debian/
> I'd appreciate it if someone could review/sponsor a new upload to
> unstable. You can grab it from the branch, or I've uploaded it to
> mentors:

>    - debian/rules: Use debhelper 7 instead of cdbs.

Please don't. "Upstream" uses cdbs, so should we. It makes it easier to
collaborate instead of working side by side...

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