[Pkg-ayatana-devel] Bug#906856: ITP: cmake-vala -- CMake modules for packaging software from the Vala Panel Project

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Tue Aug 21 19:02:31 BST 2018

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Mike Gabriel <sunweaver at debian.org>

* Package name    : cmake-vala
  Version         : 1
  Upstream Author : Konstantin Pugin <ria.freelander at gmail.com>
* URL             : https://gitlab.com/vala-panel-project/cmake-vala/
* License         : BSD-2, BSD-3, BSL-1.0, LGPL-2.1+
  Programming Lang: cmake
  Description     : CMake modules for packaging software from the Vala Panel Project

 CMake modules which are used for Vala Panel development.
 Included CMake modules:
   - various Find<PACKAGE> modules (e.g. BAMF, GTK+, PEAS, WNCK, X11)
   - various GLib helpers
   - various modules for Git based versioning
   - FindVala and ValaPrecompile modules
   - and others

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