[Pkg-ayatana-devel] at least couple of indicators are not shown in notifications area due to guake mess-up in mate notification area.

shirish शिरीष shirishag75 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 07:03:30 BST 2018

addition at bottom :-

On 12/10/2018, shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ayatana maintainers and developers,
> Please CC me if somebody answers as I'm not subscribed to the list.
> First of all thank you for all the hard work in bringing ayatana
> indicators in Debian. I did see the Ayatana presentation presented in
> the Montreal Debconf and got a bit of background of what it's all
> about.
> I am using Debian mate in testing/buster and have had a hard time
> seeing guake in the system tray.
> I did file #910635
> I did try things such as removing the panel  and putting it again (no gain)
> Purging guake and installing it fresh (no gain)
> I did see there is something called guake-indicator but the package
> made no difference in how guake is seen on the system-tray.
> I did see that guake-indicator has far more options than probably I
> could figure out hence purged it.
> Due to this weirdness, I am neither able to see variety or couple of
> other applications which are part of the notification area.
> Could somebody help me in figuring out what is going wrong ? I am open
> to testing patches and seeing if guake can be improved.


I had put a wishlist bug for  a new release of guake i.e. guake 3.4.0
which the maintainer amazingly promptly pushed out .


also on the guake term -

$ guake --version
Guake Terminal: 3.4.0
VTE: 0.54.1
VTE runtime: 0.54.1
Gtk: 3.24.1

As can be seen in the screenshot guake seems messed up and variety
icon is nowhere to be seen/found.

Just to check I also did a -

$ ps aux | grep variety
shirish   1315  0.6  1.5 1749052 122272 ?      Sl   11:15   0:03
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/variety

Also running variety on guake  shows me this -

$ variety
Variety is already running. Sending the command to the running instance.

I looked at the options and did re-check if I had messed up the
indicator icon by any chance, i.e. closed it or something but no,
everything appears as configured1.

It just doesn't come up in the notification area :(

I do not know whether I should file a separate issue for variety or
it's do with guake ?

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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