[pkg-bacula-devel] HI

Monica Mpka monicababy_u at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 15:25:44 UTC 2011

Hi Dear !

How are you doing today i,hope every thing is fine,? if so thanks be to God almighty who made it so ,My name is Miss Monica i am a girl 23 years old. I saw on your email contact today I personal become interested in being your friend even more than that Right now I can’t really say what prompted my drive to write you, but I do have the mind that you could be a nice person,but as time goes on we will know better. I will be very glad if you can contact me through my email address,() so that i can send you my pictures and tell you more about myself here is my address

Hoping to talk to you soon ,have a nice day and remain Blessed.


Miss Monica
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