[pkg-bacula-devel] Bug#935886: Bug#935886: does not email properly, violating RFC821

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Wed Sep 25 20:18:41 BST 2019

On 25.09.19 21:02, Sven Hartge wrote:
> On 25.09.19 20:23, Antoine Beaupré wrote:

>> And unfortunately, this configuration is shipped in the Debian package,
>> in /usr/share/bacula-common/defconfig/bacula-dir.conf

> I can't find the code in bacula-common_9.4.2-1~bpo9+1

To confirm this, I did a fresh install of
bacula-director/stretch-backports and the bacula-dir.conf is correct.

Unless Peter has more input about the origins of his bacula-dir.conf I
think this has not been a bug for the last 12 years.


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