[Pkg-bazaar-maint] Bug#1099121: Acknowledgement (brz: Most operations fail "Assertion failed. Aborted")

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans leonerd at leonerd.org.uk
Tue Mar 4 14:43:40 GMT 2025

A little further investigation here:

The machine that fails reports this:

  $ brz --version
  Breezy (brz) 3.3.9
    Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python3 3.13.2
    Python standard library: /usr/lib/python3.13
    Platform: Linux-6.10.6-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.40
    breezy: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/breezy
    Breezy configuration: /home/leo/.config/breezy
    Breezy log file: /home/leo/.cache/breezy/brz.log

I have a different machine that I can use `sshfs` to mount the source
directory of the failing machine onto. If I do that, then brz works
entirely fine, including all the operations that fail on the original

The machine that does work fine is running the same version of brz,
though reports a slightly different version of the Python interpreter:

  $ brz --version
  Breezy (brz) 3.3.9
    Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python3 3.13.1
    Python standard library: /usr/lib/python3.13
    Platform: Linux-6.12.12-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.40
    breezy: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/breezy
    Breezy configuration: /home/leo/.config/breezy
    Breezy log file: /home/leo/.cache/breezy/brz.log

(It's also running a different version of the Linux kernel, though I
don't expect that is the cause of the upset here. But I can try
updating it to see if nothing else seems to help)

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leonerd at leonerd.org.uk
http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

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