[pkg-boinc-devel] BOINC 4.40-1 packages

Frank S. Thomas frank@thomas-alfeld.de
Sat, 14 May 2005 07:55:37 +0200


BOINC 4.40-1 packages are now available at my repository:


Here is the changelog entry:

boinc (4.40-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Disabled the boinc-manager package, because it build depends on
    wxWidgets 2.6 which is not in Debian yet.
  * debian/control.in:
    - Added Steffen Moeller and myself to Uploaders.
    - Build-Depend on libmysqlclient12-dev instead of the virtual package
  * debian/boinc-manager.menu:
    - Added BOINC, Science and Monitoring to the 'hints' field.

 -- Frank S. Thomas <frank@thomas-alfeld.de>  Fri, 13 May 2005 23:30:01 +0200

Frank S. Thomas <frank@thomas-alfeld.de>                               ,''`.
http://www.thomas-alfeld.de/frank                                     : :' :
GPG Key ID: 0xDC426429                                                `. `' 