Bug#400228: boinc: [INTL:de] German po-debconf template translation

Frank S. Thomas frank at thomas-alfeld.de
Mon Nov 27 17:44:36 CET 2006

package boinc
tags 400228 + pending

On Friday 24 November 2006 16:49, Matthias Julius wrote:
> I have prepared a translation of the po-debconf template into German.
> Please include it in  debian/po.

Thanks Matthias! I've committed it into our SVN repository.

> PS: I believe there is an error in the third string.  Where it reads
> "If no longer have need of the data ..."
> it should read
> "If you no longer have need for the data ..."

I've taken the wording from the dbconfig-common/purge template. If you think 
this is an error, please report a bug against dbconfig-common and send me the 
bug number. I'll change this then if it is changed in dbconfig-common.

  ,''`.  Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>
 : :' :  http://frank.thomas-alfeld.de
 `. `'   GPG Key ID: 0xDC426429
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