
Frank S. Thomas frank at
Sun Sep 17 14:18:41 UTC 2006


On Thursday 14 September 2006 12:37, j-comes at wrote:
> I have a question to boinc-dev. Before reading all your code, I want to ask
> you: What will boinc-dev do: development of the boinc-platform or a help
> for people, who want to built a project? If I want to create a new
> scintific project, will the boinc-dev of any use for me? (Where can I find
> some more information?)

The boinc-dev package includes header files and libraries that are needed to 
compile (scientific) applications that are started by the BOINC client, e.g. 
the applications for SETI at home, Einstein at Home, LHC at home, and the other 
various BOINC projects. In the first place boinc-dev exists as build 
dependency for BOINC application packages like boinc-app-seti. If you want to 
help developing BOINC or if you want to create your own BOINC project you're 
better off with the complete BOINC source code (of which boinc-dev only 
contains a subset).

If you want to create your own project read:

If you want to retrieve the BOINC source code read:

Die Garde stirbt, aber sie ergibt sich nicht!
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