Bug#458007: boincmgr: local preferences are not saved

Sandro Tosi matrixhasu at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 18:37:46 UTC 2007

Hi Frank,

> would not have been filed). I agree with you that it is unreasonable that one
> is currently able to shut down connected clients or to attach/detach projects
> using the BOINC Manager but unable to change local preferences with the BOINC
> Manager. I'm currently considering to change the permissions of the
> global_prefs_override.xml file from 0644 to 0664 so that the BOINC core
> client can write to this file.

Oh, that's great!

> > A similar issue is for graphics visualization (I would fill a
> > separated report, but since we are discussince about authorizations):
> > since boinc-client is running as 'boinc' and the X not (since it's
> > started by the logged in user) no graphics is displayed by default;
> > the used need to explicitly allow boinc to use its X session, and this
> > could be a problem for non-experienced users. I'd like to adress this
> > problem too.
> This will be addressed in BOINC 6, there the graphics application will be
> executed as the user who started the BOINC Manager.

Just out of curiosity: when is Boinc6 expected to be release?

Thanks for your kindness and really complete replies,

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, Morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/

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