Bug#437326: boinc-client: please support PS3 platform

Frank S. Thomas frank at thomas-alfeld.de
Thu Oct 18 09:54:14 UTC 2007

Hi Thibaut,

On Monday 15 October 2007, Thibaut VARENE wrote:
> I unfortunately couldn't test this patch last weekend but it certainly
> looks good to me. Given the size of the diff, I'd say if it worked for
> your there's no reason it wouldn't work for me ;)
> I'll try to test it later this week maybe, but I don't see anything
> wrong with it.

Ok, I've added the patch to our Subversion repository now and it will probably 
be included in the next Debian revision of BOINC. I've also forwarded it to 
upstream but didn't received a response about the propasal and patch yet. And 
I'd feel more comfortable using this patch if I'd have got upstream's 

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