Bug#490543: boinc-manager: leaves apps in memory even if request not to

Frank S. Thomas fst at debian.org
Fri Aug 22 08:31:45 UTC 2008

reassign 490543 boinc-client 6.2.11-1
tags 490543 unreproducible

Hi Sandro,

On Saturday 12 July 2008 16:09, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> boinc-manager is configured not to leave apps in memory if not running:
> $ grep leave_apps_in_memory /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml
>    <leave_apps_in_memory>0</leave_apps_in_memory>

It is the BOINC client that controls applications, so this is an issue with 
the client and not with the manager. I'm therefore reassigning this bug to 

> but they are left there:
> while only PID 24879 24959 31290 31291 are really running (other
> processes are boinc itself), and I see the 2 garli processes in "Waiting
> to run" state on boincmgr.

I tried to reproduce this behavior with several tasks by repeatedly suspending 
and resuming them so that their status changed between "Running", "Task 
suspended by user", and "Waiting to run". But ps indicated that only those 
tasks with status "Running" were actually running.

Is this issue reproducible with your client and apps? Happens this only with 
the garli applications or have you seen other applications that stayed in 
memory although they were not "Running"? If you can reproduce this, could you 
please set <task_debug> in /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml to 1 and post the 
relevant output from the client's log file? Thanks!

BTW: In the first paragraph of this page[1] it is said that some applications 
take fairly long to shut down. Maybe garli is one of those applications?


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