Bug#487580: [boinc]

Rafael Belmonte eaglescreen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 00:41:07 UTC 2008

ca-certificates 20080617 fixes the problem.
This can be closed.

2008/7/8 Frank S. Thomas <fst at debian.org>:

> On Sunday 22 June 2008 22:07, Rafael wrote:
> > Boinc manager report that cannot conect to project servers.
> > I have tested this in two different Debian installations: lenny and sid
> > with the same result.
> Which version of the ca-certificate package do you have installed? Try to
> upgrade this package to the latest version. And what is the ouput of this
> command:
>    ls -l /var/lib/boinc-client/ca-bundle.crt
> Cheers,
> --
> Frank S. Thomas <fst at debian.org>           PGP public key ID: 0xDC426429
> Debian Developer                            finger fst/key at db.debian.org
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