Bug#514303: boinc-client: by default BOINC binds to all network adaptors

Sheridan Hutchinson sheridan at shezza.org
Tue Feb 10 12:13:42 UTC 2009

2009/2/10 René Mayorga <rmayorga at debian.org>:
> tags 514303 + upstream
> forwarded 514303 http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/573
> thanks

Hello René,

I have been upstream to check out that ticket.

What I cannot understand is that the Windows version of BOINC does in
fact bind just to the localhost and not network adaptors by default.
I have no idea why this needs to be different between OS's.

Given that upstream has already commented I have decided to remove the
linux version of BOINC from all my machines, so I recommmend closing
this bug report.

Thank you for your timely efforts, it's a pleasure to deal with a
responsive developer.

Sheridan Hutchinson
sheridan at shezza.org

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