[SCM] BOINC packaging annotated tag, upstream/6.4.5, created. upstream/6.4.5

René Mayorga rmayorga at debian.org
Thu Feb 26 19:55:16 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:44:37AM +0100, Steffen Moeller wrote:
> Hello,

Hi Steffen,

> >       Imported Upstream version 6.4.5
> have many thanks, I already wanted to ask you about it :)

This was the merge from the experimental-6.4.5 branch, I'm still new
using git, and it looks like I did not yet export the upstream tag
> I have locally prepared upstream's 6.6.10, which I got via debian/rules get-orig-source.
> Would that be the next milestone to address? 

I want to give to the 6.4.5 version a try, at least for me the package builds
fine and looks nice I can not complain for it, but there are still some
issues there, first and I'm really concern(maybe too much) about some
files that have an obscure license, I'll contact debian-legal to clear
out some issues about this files (They are noted on TODO.Debian).

Also, I started to move the `scripts' dir form the svn repo to git.
Now I'm a kind of stuck there trying do a sort of 'svn export' similar
to the one on the get-orig-source target, the export-boinc script needs
some tweaks at this moment, for example delete the CUDA things that Thibaut
already points.

After that, The 6.4.5 may could be ready, and we could get rid off
#504616 :)

About 6.6.X version, I you can create a branch for it, and give the
package a test, IMHO after 6.4.5 hits unstable at some point we could
start with 6.6.X versions over experimental.

> For the server side one should always have
> the latest versions, so I read, hence my interest. Is there anything speaking against
> pushing that to the archive - it might be perceived as a distraction from 6.4.5 and/or not
> sufficiently ready to use.

But have the branch there and maybe have 6.6.X series over experimental
could be a good idea :)

> To work with it, I would prepare a new branch experimental-6.6.10 and merge the branch
> experimental-6.4.5 with it, right?

yes, you should create a branch based on experimental-6.4.5 or
experimental, since now have the same now (experimental-6.4.5 will be

> How would the server branch get into play? The server
> branch should always be the latest version, so we don't have several server branches, right?

At this moment I did not touch the server branch, and IIRC it was just
the debian/experimental branch with some minor changes.
I thing that this should be merged with your new experimental-6.6.X

> Many thanks in advance for your insights

thanks to you, and hope you get some free time at some point and help
again here, but for now enjoy your OpenMoko and have fun :)

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: rmayorga at jabber.org
http://rmayorga.org     |  
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