[Bug 398538] [NEW] Menu item for Boinc at an inapropriate place ("System tools")

Steffen Moeller steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Mon Jul 13 15:52:26 UTC 2009

Fernando C. Estrada wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 11:04 +0200, Steffen Moeller wrote:
>> Hello,
>> fcestrada wrote:
>>>> Boinc registers itselfs in the menu under "Applications->Systemtools->Boinc Manager" (in german: "Anwendungen->Systemwerkzeuge->Boinc Manager") which seems to be quite inapropriate to me. 
>>>>   Boinc has nothing to do with my system, it's just using its resources (like any other application does).
>>> boinc-manager was changed from the section "Apps/Tools" to
>>> "Applications/System/Monitoring" accordingly to the menu hierarchy in
>>> boinc-manager 5.10.8-2.
>>> boinc-manager is a "GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core client"
>>> and the description of this section is: "System information and
>>> monitoring tools, log viewers, etc.". That is why we believe should
>>> belong to that section.
>> Well, I ran into the same issue yesterday after a new install. Before I
>> had (after 5 minutes) found it under System, I had looked about
>> everywhere else, I think :)
>> In accordance to the menu hierarchym I'd also like
>> Applications/Network/Monitoring (admittedly this is a missuse of the
>> term "Network" here,  and better probably is  Applications/Science/Data
>> Analysis. The monitoring is an extra facet to my perception, of interest
>> to Debian-Tags, not as the main sorting criterion.
> Control and monitor boinc-client is a task of the boinc-manager package.
> Both are different packages, maybe you are trying to adapt the function
> of boinc-client and that's the origin of the confusion.
I see your point. But in the typical Control-Modell-View pattern once
you have applied the pattern it is all about the application again, not
about the control per se.  I don't think that this smallish thread will
stir much attention. You might change your mind if it does, I presume.
After all - the menu entry is present to be found :)



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