S20boinc-client vs S30gdm

Skip Guenter sguenter at austin.rr.com
Wed Jul 22 22:25:22 UTC 2009

BTW... I did:

"sudo mv -v /etc/rc2.d/S20boinc-client /etc/rc2.d/S25boinc-client" 
just now.  Which is still before S30gdm.  

Restarted the 'puter and I see no "missing cuda devices" in the messages
tab of boincmngr like I had been.  

So I'm thinking it's the "S20dkms_autoinstaller" that is where the
graphics driver is connected to the kernel and was my prerequisite

So the fix is REALLY simple unless I've just not yet seen all the
repercussions of the damage I've done ;-)

Tschuess, Skip

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