Bug#558295: boincmgr: Properties window doesn't close with the 'X' on top, only with button

Fernando C. Estrada fcestrada at fcestrada.com
Sat Nov 28 18:24:42 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 18:17 +0100, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> Package: boinc-manager
> Version: 6.10.17+dfsg-1
> Severity: minor
> Hello,

Hi Sandro, and thanks for your bug report.

> selecting a WU and then selecting "Properties" it opens a window, with the WU info, but that window can't be closed with the 'X' on the top-right, but only with the "Close" button on the middle-bottom of the win.

I confirmed this bug and let the following screencast [1] as a
reference. We are investigating what caused this bug, and as we have
news we will publish them shortly.

> Regards,
> Sandro


[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YacTuLxHHz4
Fernando C. Estrada       http://www.fcestrada.com
fcestrada at fcestrada.com  4096R/C6E0F4B8 2009-11-14
B750 A96F 3A33 2CBA 7871  5BD0 C2FB E9BD C6E0 F4B8

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