Using quilt for Jarifa

Daniel Lombraña González teleyinex at
Wed Oct 27 14:02:23 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

I do not an answer in a few days, so I was wondering where I should
ask for help in this matter. Thanks a lot :)


2010/10/22 Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex at>:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm wondering when I should use quilt and git-buildpackage to modify
> at least as possible the upstream version of Jarifa files. Let me
> explain. Jarifa has a SQL file that by default creates the DB in
> MySQL. Nevertheless, in the deb package this is managed by
> dbconfig-common, so I have to remove the instruction of creating the
> DB in the SQL file. Right now I have done this, by creating a new git
> repository and modify the source code by hand.
> After that, I kept reading about git-buildpackage and it seems that it
> should be more easy to maintain those differences between the upstream
> version and the deb one using patches. However, I don't know how I
> have to do this, as I have been trying it out, and as far as I have
> get is to create the debian/patches folder (using gbp-pq) with a patch
> that removes that instruction. However, when building the package
> using git-buildpackage in the master branch (not in
> patch-queue/master) the resulting package does not have applied the
> patch, which is wrong. Is it possible to apply automatically those
> patches when building the package? (FYI I have tried the 3.0 version,
> and I don't get it working either, probably because I'm doing
> something wrong).
> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel
> --
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Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
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