Bug#528700: Visible in 6.12.22, still?

Darac Marjal darac at darac.org.uk
Tue May 24 10:11:10 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 10:33:32PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
> Hello,
> we had upstream fix something for the manager of 6.10.58, so maybe
> there is something for the client side of 6.10.58, too. It very much
> looks like it, indeed. There is a version 6.10.60 out and I'd need
> to get it confirmed for that first, I am afraid. Now, I don't have a
> package for it, yet. Could you please try confirming it on 6.12.22?


I am experiencing this problem on boinc-client  6.12.26+dfsg-1.
According to
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.distributed.boinc.devel/4281, this
is a problem when attached to the yoyo at home project which creates a
recursive symlink under ~boinc/.wine

Following the links suggests that the problem is fixed upstream by BOINC
bug #1108. Presumably, though this needs to be patched into the sid

Paul Saunders
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