Bug#670060: boinc-manager: menubar not drawn correctly and inaccessible, [duplicate?]

Guo Yixuan culu.gyx at gmail.com
Mon May 7 15:56:12 UTC 2012

reassign 670060 src:wxwidgets2.8
forcemerge 648968 670060


> Oh,
> I just discovered that my bug is probably a duplicate of #648968

No problem, I'm merging this bug now. Thank you all the same for filing 
this bug.

> For some reason (maybe because it is reassigned?!) didn't show when I
> was reporting it using reportbug. Probably some UI design flaw in
> reportbug (it should show me bugs from boinc-manager but also bugs which
> affects boinc-manager, as well this reasigned ones).

This seems already reported as #544812 reportbug: Show bugs which affect 
the target package in bug list.


Guo Yixuan

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