New boinc ready in unstable

Guo Yixuan culu.gyx at
Fri Jul 4 17:46:46 UTC 2014

Thank you!

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna <
costamagnagianfranco at> wrote:
> The problem is the "crlf"
> here
> and
> here
> Unfortunately Rom put them in .gitattributes file, so I think we cannot
commit that change.
> What I did was  (in the boinc source tree)
> mv debian ..
> rm * -rf
> cd ..
> tar xzvf boinc_7.4.8...
> mv boinc-7.4.8/* boinc
> mv debian boinc
> and I think all ran well.
> Git for some reason doesn't handle that crlf changes (maybe for the
gitattribute setting, don't know), or maybe you just need to "git reset
--hard" to a previous commit and pull again

I'm just wondering about this:
$ grep xpm boinc/.gitattributes
*.xpm                   text eol=lf
$ file boinc-7.4.8+dfsg/clientgui/res/atiicon.xpm
boinc-7.4.8+dfsg/clientgui/res/atiicon.xpm: X pixmap image, ASCII text,
with CRLF line terminators

So when we created boinc_7.4.8+dfsg.orig.tar.gz by git-archive,
some EOLs were not normalized by git. It would be better to
force git-archive to do this normalization, instead of resorting
to some manual work-arounds. (Or, is it a bug in git?)


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