[Pkg-cacti-maint] error in cacti

Paul Gevers paul at climbing.nl
Sun Jan 22 15:39:33 UTC 2012

> Ok. I agree that it is cleaner, but in newer upstream code, the max_oid
> argument is not the last argument of the function. I am not so much into
> php that I can tell if the order of your arguments make a difference,
> but as the arguments are unnamed, I expect that you can not add extra
> arguments in front of existing argument without careful checking. The
> point is, I am afraid of introducing even more regressions. That is why
> I prefer to revert to the hardcoded value. But as I am not so
> experienced in these kind of things in security fixes, I am willing to
> make the changes as you propose today, but can somebody check them?
> Please let me know a.s.a.p.

Hmm, I really don't see how this can be done without changing quite a
lot of code. cacti_snmp_walk is called in 5 files:


And as upstream put the max_oids argument as the next-to-last argument
we need to change all those functions. But what to put in that field?
The max_oids is not available from somewhere as-is (see upstream bug

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