[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#507132: Bug#507132: FW by linux4michelle at tamay-dogan.net : Re: Bug#507132: Bug#507132: connection errors

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Tue Dec 2 09:25:28 UTC 2008

This one time, at band camp, Michelle Konzack said:
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  davfs2
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> samba3:~# freshclam --list-mirrors
> Can't read mirrors.dat
> It has only downloaded 30% of main.vcd and then unexpected toped...
> And then it can not fine mirrors.dat.

mirrors.dat is a cache file.  --list-mirrors isn't useful if you haven't
been running freshclam.  A few other things are clearly wrong on your
system as well.  I don't know if other packages blowing up during
configure runs are preventing clamav and related packages from becoming
fully configured - the maintainer scripts actually do a fair amount of
setup, and if they don't get run, it wouldn't surprise me if something
else goes wrong.

> samba3:~# mkdir /tmp/clamav
> samba3:~# freshclam -v --datadir=/tmp/clamav
> ERROR: getfile: Can't create new file /tmp/clamav/clamav-46b42bd66e179ece05d2028108be59db in /tmp/clamav
> Hint: The database directory must be writable for UID 107 or GID 106
> WARNING: Can't download main.cvd from db.local.clamav.net

I think you can figure out what to do there.

When it stopped downloading at 30%, it's not because you ran out of disk
space or something, is it?  It sounds like that's either network
slowdown or ENOSPSC type issues to me, but we'll see.

> I have attached a compressed 4 MByte tcpdump from the installation to
> now...

Which shows a completely normal http download.

> I was looking into the dump, but understand nothing...
> ...except, that if I go to the DNS
>     http://static.88-198-17-100.clients.your-server.de/
> I am redirected to
>     http://www.julispace.com/
> And realy, I do not like unknown connections to private servers...
> I do not understand, WHY clamav is connecting to this server...

what are you talking about?  You're upset because someone who hosts a
mirror for clamav data also hosts another website on the same IP?  My
God, the horror.  

And again, let's try to stay on topic.  We're nearly there - we've
got a tcpdump showing a completely normal download of data, and we've
got lots of evidence that your system is (mis)configured in lots of
interesting ways.  I'm really starting to lean towards 'not a bug'
myself, but let's keep on looking for now.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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