[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#507132: Bug#507132: connection errors

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Sun Nov 30 10:33:18 UTC 2008

This one time, at band camp, Michelle Konzack said:
> > This looks to me like you have a firewall or something in the way.  I
> > can't reproduce the problem, at any rate.  Even the ancient version you
> > have installed can manage to make a connection to the IP addresses in
> > the list.
> There is no firewall and no proxy and  if  I  understand  it  right,  it
> download from
>     http://db.local.clamav.net/main.cvd
>     http://db.local.clamav.net/daily.cvd
>               ^^^^^

Well, that's not what was in the original bug report.  That being said,
the maintainer scripts try to guess a reasonable mirror solution for
you, and then add db.local to the list.  It's all GeoDNS stuff, so you
should get to the same set of mirrors in the end.

> or any COUNTRY locations...  BUT, why can I access the  files  from  the
> same machine using elinks or from  my  workstation  with  mozilla/iceape
> without any problems?

You are the best one to debug that, as I've said before.

> or does it try to use an ACTIVE ftp conection?

No, it's http.

> Which does definitively not work over GSM/UMTS.

As I said previously, you are the best person to debug this.  You didn't
mention in your previous mail that this is over GSM/UMTS (assuming of
course that it is, and you didn't just write that for no reason).  That
shouldn't make a difference, but enough of these small "shouldn't make a
difference" things, and it will make a difference.

Please, can you try to debug the issue and let me know what you find?

> > I'm afraid you're the only one who can debug this, so please
> > tcpdump/strace/whatever works for you for figuring out where the traffic
> > is going instead of the mirror.
> And last not least, does this thing with clamav-data realy mean, I  have
> to download per day several times a 19 MByte file?  This would  be  over
> 1.2 GByte per month and quiet expensive...

Freshclam has some support for incremental updates, so it will use less
bandwidth overall than redownloading the whole database file each time
there's a change.  Can we try to stay focused, and just work through the
one issue you raised as a bug report?  If you have other support issues,
please feel free to direct them to clamav-users.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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