[Pkg-clamav-devel] New upstream branch added

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Sat Oct 18 10:21:35 UTC 2008

This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said:
> This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said:
> > I've added a branch for 0.94.1 as a way to do regression tests, and I'm
> > pushing it now.  From the packaging point of view, rc1 looks like a
> > pretty minor change.  Anyone wanting to give it some looking over would
> > be much appreciated.
> > 
> > I don't much like uploading rc versions, and especially not close to
> > release time, so I don't think this is a target for upload, but it might
> > be useful when 0.94.1 is released in 2 weeks, so I thought I'd just go
> > ahead and do it.
> Bah.  I really should not do this sort of thing late at night.  I see
> that I've stuffed up the version number, and uploaded a branch with
> debian/ and associated changes and named it upstream/.

What I've done now is created 2 branches under stage/ - one with debian
patches and one without.  These can later be merged fairly trivially
onto the real corresponding branches (upstream/0.94 and debian/unstable,
that is) once the final release is out.  I have thrown away the old
branch that I created, so anyone who has pulled it should feel free to
toss it as well.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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