[Pkg-clamav-devel] maintainer field?

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Fri Sep 5 21:24:00 UTC 2008

This one time, at band camp, Scott Kitterman said:
> On Friday 05 September 2008 13:13, Stephen Gran wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I just noticed the maintainer field is still set to me.  This should
> > probably be changed, but I wanted to see what people prefer to use
> > first.  In other teams, I've seen people use the mailing list as
> > maintainer and then people add themselves to uploaders.  Does this seem
> > like a reasonable scheme here?
> The distinction I've seen in other teams in that if the team is the 
> maintainer, then any team member may upload as they see fit, but if the team 
> is an uploader with an individual as the maintainer, then team members are 
> free to work in the repository, but should not upload (except in the case of 
> some urgency) without checking with the maintainer.  
> I think either is fine and it's more a question of how you want the team to 
> work?

I'd quite like the team to be the thing that matters.  I am definitely
still interested enough to stay involved, but I would like to stop being
the single point of failure (which I have increasingly been over the
last few months).
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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