[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#525483: libclamav5: clamd segfault libclamav.so.5.0.4

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Mon Apr 27 00:39:10 UTC 2009

This one time, at band camp, James Robertson said:
> Not sure if unofficial-clamav-sigs.sh has anything to do with it?
> This is the only occurance of unofficial-clamav-sigs.sh being close to
> the time of the segfault.  I generally experience this about once a
> day.

That is a known issue indeed.  Try running without the unofficial sigs
for a few days and see if the sgfaults recur.  If not, then it is the
same problem identified and fixed upstream.

Look for new packages in volatile soon - they've been uploaded, we're
just waiting on builds now.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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