[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#535672: [l10n] Updated Czech translation of clamav debconf messages
Miroslav Kure
kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz
Sat Jul 4 09:25:18 UTC 2009
Package: clamav
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n, patch
in attachement there is updated Czech (cs.po) translation of
clamav debconf messages. Please include it with the package.
Miroslav Kure
-------------- next part --------------
# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
# this format, e.g. by running:
# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
# Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
# or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans
# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: clamav\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: clamav at packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-21 00:53+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-04 11:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:2001
msgid "daemon"
msgstr "daemon"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:2001
msgid "manual"
msgstr "ru?n?"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:2002
msgid "Virus database update method:"
msgstr "Zp?sob aktualizace virov? datab?ze:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:2002
msgid "Please choose the method for virus database updates."
msgstr "Vyberte zp?sob aktualizace virov? datab?ze."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:2002
msgid ""
" daemon: freshclam is running as a daemon all the time. You should choose\n"
" this option if you have a permanent network connection;\n"
" ifup.d: freshclam will be running as a daemon as long as your Internet\n"
" connection is up. Choose this one if you use a dialup Internet\n"
" connection and don't want freshclam to initiate new connections;\n"
" cron: freshclam is started from cron. Choose this if you want full "
" of when the database is updated;\n"
" manual: no automatic invocation of freshclam. This is not recommended,\n"
" as ClamAV's database is constantly updated."
msgstr ""
" daemon : freshclam b??? cel? ?as jako daemon. Tuto mo?nost vyberte,\n"
" pokud m?te trval? s??ov? p?ipojen?.\n"
" ifup.d : freshclam pob??? jako daemon pouze po dobu, kdy bude nahozeno\n"
" internetov? spojen?. Tuto mo?nost vyberte, pokud m?te vyt??en?\n"
" p?ipojen? a nechcete, aby freshclam spou?t?l nov? spojen?.\n"
" cron : freshclam se spou?t? z cronu. Toto zvolte v p??pad?, ?e chcete\n"
" m?t plnou kontrolu nad ?asem, kdy se m? datab?ze aktualizovat.\n"
" manual : freshclam se nebude spou?t?t automaticky. Toto nedoporu?ujeme,\n"
" proto?e datab?ze clamavu se neust?le aktualizuje."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:3001
msgid "Local database mirror site:"
msgstr "Lok?ln? zrcadlo datab?ze:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:3001
msgid "Please select the closest local mirror site."
msgstr "Vyberte nejbli??? zrcadlo s virovou datab?z?."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Freshclam updates its database from a world wide network of mirror sites. "
"Please select the closest mirror. If you leave the default setting, an "
"attempt will be made to guess a nearby mirror."
msgstr ""
"Freshclam aktualizuje svou datab?zi z celosv?tov? s?t? zrcadel. Vyberte "
"nejbli??? zrcadlo. Ponech?te-li v?choz? nastaven?, skript se pokus? "
"odhadnout rozumn? bl?zk? zrcadlo."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:4001
msgid "HTTP proxy information (leave blank for none):"
msgstr "HTTP proxy (pokud nepou??v?te, ponechte pr?zdn?):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:4001
msgid ""
"If you need to use an HTTP proxy to access the outside world, enter the "
"proxy information here. Otherwise, leave this blank."
msgstr ""
"Pot?ebujete-li pro p??stup k vn?j??mu sv?tu pou??t HTTP proxy, zadejte zde "
"p??slu?n? informace. V ostatn?ch p??padech nezad?vejte nic."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:4001
msgid "Please use URL syntax (\"http://host[:port]\") here."
msgstr "Zadejte URL ve tvaru ?http://po??ta?[:port]?."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:5001
msgid "Proxy user information (leave blank for none):"
msgstr "Proxy u?ivatel (pokud nepou??v?te, ponechte pr?zdn?):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you need to supply a username and password to the proxy, enter it here. "
"Otherwise, leave this blank."
msgstr ""
"Mus?te-li zadat jm?no a heslo k proxy serveru, zadejte zde p??slu?n? "
"informace. V ostatn?ch p??padech nezad?vejte nic."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:5001
msgid "When entering user information, use the standard form of \"user:pass\"."
msgstr "Informace zadejte ve standardn?m tvaru ?u?ivatel:heslo?."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:6001
msgid "Number of freshclam updates per day:"
msgstr "Po?et denn?ch aktualizac? freshclamu:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:7001
msgid "Network interface connected to the Internet:"
msgstr "S??ov? rozhran? p?ipojen? k Internetu:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the network interface connected to the Internet. "
"Example: eth0."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte pros?m jm?no s??ov?ho rozhran? p?ipojen?ho k Internetu. P??klad: "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:7001
msgid ""
"If the daemon runs when the network is down, the log file will be filled "
"with entries like 'ERROR: Connection with database.clamav.net failed.', "
"making it easy to miss when freshclam really can't update the database."
msgstr ""
"Pokud daemon b??? kdy? je s?? shozen?, zapln? se log z?znamy typu ?ERROR: "
"Connection with database.clamav.net failed.?, co? vede k tomu, ?e m??ete "
"lehce p?ehl?dnout p??pad, kdy freshclam skute?n? nem??e aktualizovat "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:7001
msgid ""
"You can leave this field blank and the daemon will be started from the "
"initialization scripts instead. You should then make sure the computer is "
"permanently connected to the Internet to avoid filling the log files."
msgstr ""
"Ponech?te-li pr?zdn?, daemon se m?sto toho bude spou?t?t z inicializa?n?ch "
"skript?. V takov?m p??pad? byste v?ak m?li zabezpe?it, aby byl po??ta? "
"p?ipojen? k Internetu permanentn?, abyste p?ede?li zapln?n? log?."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:8001
msgid "Should clamd be notified after updates?"
msgstr "M? b?t clamd po aktualizaci upozorn?n?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Please confirm whether clamd should be notified to reload the database after "
"successful updates."
msgstr ""
"Potvr?te, zda m? b?t po ?sp??n? aktualizaci clamd upozorn?n, aby si nahr?l "
"novou datab?zi."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-freshclam.templates:8001
msgid ""
"If you do not choose this option, clamd's database reloads will be notably "
"delayed (it performs this check every 6 hours by default), posing the risk "
"that a new virus may slip through even if the database is up to date. Do not "
"use this if you do not use clamd, as it will produce errors."
msgstr ""
"Jestli?e tuto mo?nost nevyberete, bude se datab?ze nahr?vat se zpo?d?n?m "
"(implicitn? ka?d?ch 6 hodin), co? v?s vystavuje riziku, ?e n?jak? nov? vir "
"proklouzne, i kdy? m?te aktu?ln? datab?zi. Pokud clamd nepou??v?te, tuto "
"volbu nepovolujte, proto?e by vyvolala n?jak? chyby."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:2001 ../clamav-milter.templates:2001
msgid "Handle the configuration file automatically?"
msgstr "Spravovat konfigura?n? soubor automaticky?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:2001
msgid "Some options must be configured for clamav-base."
msgstr "U clamav-base je n?kolik voleb, kter? mus?te nastavit."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:2001
msgid ""
"The ClamAV suite won't work if it isn't configured. If you do not configure "
"it automatically, you'll have to configure /etc/clamav/clamd.conf manually "
"or run 'dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base' later. In any case, manual changes in /"
"etc/clamav/clamd.conf will be respected."
msgstr ""
"Pokud ClamAV nenastav?te, nebude fungovat. Nezvol?te-li automatickou "
"konfiguraci, budete muset /etc/clamav/clamd.conf nastavit ru?n?, nebo "
"pozd?ji spustit p??kaz ?dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base?. V obou p??padech "
"budou ru?n? z?sahy do /etc/clamav/clamd.conf respektov?ny."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:3001
msgid "Socket type:"
msgstr "Typ socketu:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:3001
msgid "Please choose the type of socket clamd will be listening on."
msgstr "Vyberte typ socketu, na kter?m bude clamd poslouchat."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:3001
msgid ""
"If you choose TCP, clamd can be accessed remotely. If you choose local UNIX "
"sockets, clamd can be accessed through a file. Local UNIX sockets are "
"recommended for security reasons."
msgstr ""
"Zvol?te-li TCP, budete moci k clamd p?istupovat vzd?len?. Vyberete-li "
"lok?ln? unixov? socket, m??ete k daemonu p?istupovat skrze soubor. Z "
"bezpe?nostn?ch d?vod? je preferov?na druh? mo?nost."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:4001
msgid "Local (UNIX) socket clamd will listen on:"
msgstr "Lok?ln? (unixov?) socket, na kter?m bude clamd naslouchat:"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:5001
msgid "Gracefully handle left-over UNIX socket files?"
msgstr "Elegantn? zpracovat poz?stal? soubory unixov?ch socket??"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:6001
msgid "TCP port clamd will listen on:"
msgstr "TCP port, na kter?m bude clamd naslouchat:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:7001
msgid "IP address clamd will listen on:"
msgstr "IP adresa, na kter? bude clamd naslouchat:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Enter \"any\" to listen on every IP address configured. If you want to "
"listen on a single address or host name, enter it here."
msgstr ""
"M?-li daemon poslouchat na ka?d? nakonfigurovan? IP adrese, zadejte ?any?. "
"Pokud jej chcete omezit na konkr?tn? adresu nebo jm?no po??ta?e, zadejte "
"p??slu?nou adresu nebo jm?no po??ta?e."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:8001
msgid "Mandatory numeric value"
msgstr "Povinn? ??seln? hodnota"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:8001
msgid "This question requires a numeric answer."
msgstr "Tato ot?zka vy?aduje ??selnou odpov??."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:9001
msgid "Do you want to enable mail scanning?"
msgstr "Chcete povolit prohled?v?n? po?ty?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:9001
msgid ""
"This option enables scanning mail contents for viruses. You need this option "
"enabled if you want to use clamav-milter. It is recommended that you use a "
"separate unpacker to extract any MIME parts of email messages if you want to "
"scan email."
msgstr ""
"Touto volbou povol?te prohled?v?n? po?ty na v?skyt vir?. Volba je nutnou "
"podm?nkou pro pou?it? clamav-milter. P?i prohled?v?n? po?ty doporu?ujeme pro "
"rozbalen? jednotliv?ch ??st? MIME zpr?v pou??t samostatn? program."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:10001
msgid "Do you want to enable archive scanning?"
msgstr "Chcete povolit prohled?v?n? archiv??"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:10001
msgid ""
"If archive scanning is enabled, the daemon will extract archives such as "
"bz2, tar.gz, deb and many more, to check their contents for viruses."
msgstr ""
"Jestli?e odpov?te kladn?, daemon bude hledat viry i v archivech typu bz2, "
"tar.gz, deb a mnoha dal??ch."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:10001
msgid ""
"For more information about what archives are supported, see /usr/share/doc/"
"clamav-docs/clamdoc.pdf or the manpage clamscan(5)."
msgstr ""
"Seznam podporovan?ch archiv? naleznete v /usr/share/doc/clamav-docs/clamdoc."
"pdf nebo v manu?lov? str?nce clamscan(5)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:11001
msgid "Maximum stream length (unit Mb) allowed:"
msgstr "Maxim?ln? povolen? d?lka proudu (v Mb):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:11001
msgid "You can set a limit on the stream length that can be scanned."
msgstr "M??ete omezit d?lku prohled?van?ho proudu."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:11001 ../clamav-base.templates:12001
msgid "Entering '0' will disable this limit."
msgstr "Hodnotou ?0? limit zru??te."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:12001
msgid "Maximum directory depth that will be allowed:"
msgstr "Maxim?ln? povolen? hloubka adres???:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:12001
msgid ""
"This value must be set if you want to allow the daemon to follow directory "
msgstr ""
"Pokud chcete, aby daemon n?sledoval symbolick? odkazy na adres??e, mus?te "
"tuto hodnotu nastavit."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:13001
msgid "Do you want the daemon to follow directory symlinks?"
msgstr "Chcete, aby daemon n?sledoval symbolick? odkazy na adres??e?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:14001
msgid "Do you want the daemon to follow regular file symlinks?"
msgstr "Chcete, aby daemon n?sledoval symbolick? odkazy na b??n? soubory?"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:15001
msgid "Timeout for stopping the thread-scanner (seconds):"
msgstr "?asov? limit pro zastaven? thread-scanner (v sekund?ch):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:15001
msgid "Entering '0' will disable the timeout."
msgstr "Hodnotou ?0? ?asov? limit zru??te."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:16001
msgid "Number of threads for the daemon:"
msgstr "Po?et vl?ken daemona:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:17001
msgid "Number of pending connections allowed:"
msgstr "Po?et povolen?ch ?ekaj?c?ch spojen?:"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:18001
msgid "Do you want to use the system logger?"
msgstr "Chcete pou??t syslog?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:18001
msgid ""
"It is possible to log the daemon activity to the system logger. This can be "
"done independently of whether you want to log activity to a special file."
msgstr ""
"Aktivitu daemona m??ete zaznamen?vat do syst?mov?ho logu, co? se m??e d?t "
"nez?visle na tom, zda m? svou ?innost zaznamen?vat do speci?ln?ho souboru."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:19001
msgid "Log file for clamav-daemon (enter none to disable):"
msgstr ""
"Logovac? soubor pro clamav-daemon (nechcete-li pou??t, ponechte pr?zdn?):"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:20001
msgid "Do you want to log time information with each message?"
msgstr "Chcete s ka?dou zpr?vou zaznamenat i ?as ud?losti?"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:21001
msgid "Delay in seconds between daemon self checks:"
msgstr "?as mezi sebekontrolami daemona (v sekund?ch):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:21001
msgid ""
"During the SelfCheck the daemon checks if it needs to reload the virus "
"database. It also tries to repair problems caused by bugs in the daemon, "
"(that is, in some cases it's able to repair broken data structures)."
msgstr ""
"B?hem kontrol daemon zji??uje, zda pot?ebuje nahr?t novou virovou datab?zi a "
"tak? se sna?? opravit probl?my vznikl? chybami v programu (tzn. n?kdy je "
"schopen opravit sv? poru?en? datov? struktury)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:22001
msgid "User to run clamav-daemon as:"
msgstr "U?ivatel, pod kter?m se m? spou?t?t clamav-daemon:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:22001
msgid ""
"It is recommended to run the ClamAV programs as a non-privileged user. This "
"will work with most MTAs with a little tweaking, but if you want to use "
"clamd for filesystem scans, running as root is probably unavoidable. Please "
"see README.Debian in the clamav-base package for details."
msgstr ""
"Doporu?ujeme spou?t?t programy ClamAVu pod neprivilegovan?m u?ivatelem, co? "
"bude (po n?jak?m ?sil?) pracovat s v?t?inou po?tovn?ch server?. Pokud v?ak "
"budete clamd pou??vat pro prohled?v?n? souborov?ho syst?mu, je spou?t?n? pod "
"u?ivatelem root pravd?podobn? nevyhnuteln?. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru "
"README.Debian v bal?ku clamav-base."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:23001
msgid "Groups for clamav-daemon (space-separated):"
msgstr "Skupiny pro clamav-daemon (odd?len? mezerami):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:23001
msgid "Please enter any extra groups for clamd."
msgstr "Zadejte libovoln? skupiny, do kter?ch m? clamd pat?it."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-base.templates:23001
msgid ""
"By default, clamd runs as a non-privileged user. If you need clamd to be "
"able to access files owned by another user (e.g., in combination with an "
"MTA), then you will need to add clamd to the group for that piece of "
"software. Please see README.Debian in the clamav-base package for details."
msgstr ""
"Clamd implicitn? b??? pod neprivilegovan?m u?ivatelem. Pokud chcete, aby m?l "
"clamd p??stup k soubor?m vlastn?n?m jin?m u?ivatelem (t?eba v kombinaci s "
"po?tovn?m serverem), mus?te clamd p?idat do stejn? skupiny, jako m? dan? "
"software. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru README.Debian v bal?ku clamav-base."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:2001
msgid "Some options must be configured for clamav-milter."
msgstr "U clamav-milter je n?kolik voleb, kter? mus?te nastavit."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:2001
msgid ""
"It won't work if it isn't configured. If you do not configure it "
"automatically, you'll have to configure /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf "
"manually or run \"dpkg-reconfigure clamav-milter\" later. In any case, "
"manual changes in /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf will be respected."
msgstr ""
"Pokud clamav-milter nenastav?te, nebude fungovat. Nezvol?te-li automatickou "
"konfiguraci, budete muset /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf nastavit ru?n?, "
"nebo pozd?ji spustit p??kaz ?dpkg-reconfigure clamav-milter?. V obou "
"p??padech budou ru?n? z?sahy do /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf respektov?ny."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:3001
msgid "Communication interface with Sendmail:"
msgstr "Komunika?n? rozhran? pro Sendmail:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Please choose the method that should be used by clamav-milter to communicate "
"with Sendmail. The following formats can be used:\n"
" - Unix domain socket: [[unix|local]:]/path/to/file\n"
" - IPv4 socket : inet:port@[hostname|ip-address]\n"
" - IPv6 socket : inet6:port@[hostname|ip-address]"
msgstr ""
"Zvolte pros?m zp?sob, jak?m m? clamav-milter komunikovat se Sendmailem. "
"Lze pou??t n?sleduj?c? z?pisy:\n"
" - Unix domain socket: [[unix|local]:]/cesta/k/souboru\n"
" - IPv4 socket : inet:port@[jmeno-pocitace|ip-adresa]\n"
" - IPv6 socket : inet6:port@[jmeno-pocitace|ip-adresa]"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:4001
msgid "Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown?"
msgstr "Odstranit star? socket po n?siln?m ukon?en??"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:5001
msgid "User to run clamav-milter as:"
msgstr "U?ivatel, pod kter?m se m? spou?t?t clamav-milter:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:5001
#| msgid ""
#| "It is recommended to run the ClamAV programs as a non-privileged user. "
#| "This will work with most MTAs with a little tweaking, but if you want to "
#| "use clamd for filesystem scans, running as root is probably unavoidable. "
#| "Please see README.Debian in the clamav-base package for details."
msgid ""
"It is recommended to run the ClamAV programs as a non-privileged user. This "
"will work with most MTAs with a little tweaking."
msgstr ""
"Doporu?ujeme spou?t?t programy ClamAVu pod neprivilegovan?m u?ivatelem, co? "
"bude (po n?jak?m ?sil?) pracovat s v?t?inou po?tovn?ch server?."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:5001 ../clamav-milter.templates:6001
msgid "Please see README.Debian in the clamav-base package for details."
msgstr "Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru README.Debian v bal?ku clamav-base."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:6001
msgid "Groups for clamav-milter (space-separated):"
msgstr "Skupiny pro clamav-milter (odd?len? mezerami):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:6001
msgid ""
"By default, clamav-milter runs as a non-privileged user. If you need clamav-"
"milter to be able to access files owned by another user (for instance when "
"it is used in combination with an MTA), the user running clamav-milter need "
"to be added to the relevant group(s)."
msgstr ""
"clamav-milter implicitn? b??? pod neprivilegovan?m u?ivatelem. Pokud chcete, "
"aby m?l clamav-milter p??stup k soubor?m vlastn?n?m jin?m u?ivatelem (t?eba "
"p?i pou?it? v kombinaci s po?tovn?m serverem), mus?te p?idat u?ivatele, pod "
"kter?m je clamav-milter spou?t?n, do relevantn?ch skupin."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:7001
msgid "Wait timeout for data coming from clamd:"
msgstr "Jak dlouho ?ekat na data z clamd:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the delay (in seconds) before clamav-milter times out when it "
"is waiting for incoming data from clamd."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte ?asov? limit (v sekund?ch), jak dlouho m? clamav-milter ?ekat "
"na p??choz? data z clamd."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:7001
#| msgid "Entering '0' will disable the timeout."
msgid "Choosing \"0\" will disable this timeout."
msgstr "Hodnotou ?0? ?asov? limit zru??te."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:8001
msgid "Should clamav-milter stay in foreground (not forking)?"
msgstr "M? clamav-milter z?stat na pop?ed? (nerozdvojovat se)?"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:9001
msgid "Chroot to directory:"
msgstr "Chroot do adres??e:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Clamav-milter can run in a chroot jail. It will enter it after reading the "
"configuration file and before dropping root privileges."
msgstr ""
"Clamav-milter m??e b??et uv?zn?n v chrootovan?m prost?ed?. Vstoup? do n?j "
"po p?e?ten? konfigura?n?ho souboru, chv?li p?ed odhozen?m rootovsk?ch "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:9001
msgid "If this field is left empty, no chrooting will occur."
msgstr "Ponech?te-li pr?zdn?, chroot se nebude pou??vat."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:10001
msgid "PID file:"
msgstr "Soubor s PID:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Please specify the process identifier file location for clamav-milter's "
"listening daemon (main thread)."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte um?st?n? souboru, do kter?ho si clamav-milter pozna?? PID "
"(process identifier) naslouchac?ho daemona (hlavn? vl?kno)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:11001
msgid "Temporary directory path:"
msgstr "Cesta k do?asn?mu adres??i:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:11001
msgid ""
"Please specify the directory for clamav-milter's temporary files. If unset, "
"$TMPDIR and $TEMP will be honored."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte adres?? pro do?asn? soubory clamav-milteru. Nezad?te-li nic, pou?ij? "
"se prom?nn? prost?ed? $TMPDIR a $TEMP."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:12001
msgid "Clamd socket to connect to for scanning:"
msgstr "Clamd socket, kter? se m? pou??t pro vyhled?v?n?:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:12001
msgid ""
"Please specify the socket to use to connect to the ClamAV daemon for "
"scanning purposes. Possible choices are:\n"
" - a local unix socket using an absolute path, in \"unix:path\" format\n"
" (for example: unix:/var/run/clamd/clamd.socket);\n"
" - a local or remote TCP socket in \"tcp:host:port\" format (for example:\n"
" tcp: The \"host\" value can be either a hostname or an IP\n"
" address, and the \"port\" is only required for IPv6 addresses,\n"
" defaulting to 3310 otherwise."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte socket, kter? se m? pou??t pro p?ipojen? k daemonu ClamAV za ??elem "
"vyhled?v?n?. Mo?nosti jsou:\n"
" - lok?ln? unixov? socket zadan? absolutn? cestou ve form?tu ?unix:cesta?\n"
" (nap?. unix:/var/run/clamd/clamd.socket);\n"
" - lok?ln? nebo vzd?len? TCP socket ve form?tu ?tcp:pocitac:port?\n"
" (nap?. tcp: Hodnota ?pocitac? m??e b?t bu? jm?no nebo IP\n"
" adresa. ?port? je vy?adov?n pouze pro adresy IPv6, jinak se pou?ije\n"
" v?choz? 3310."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:12001
msgid ""
"You may specify multiple choices, separated by spaces. In such case, the "
"clamd servers will be selected in a round-robin fashion."
msgstr ""
"M??ete zadat v?ce hodnot odd?len?ch mezerami. V takov?m p??pad? se budou "
"clamd servery vyb?rat v rotuj?c?m po?ad?."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:13001
msgid "Hosts excluded from scanning:"
msgstr "Po??ta?e vy?azen? z vyhled?v?n?:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:13001
msgid ""
"Please specify, in CIDR notation (host(name)/mask), the hosts for which no "
"scanning should be performed on incoming mail. Multiple entries should be "
"separated by spaces. The \"local\" shortcut can be used to specify locally-"
"originated (non-SMTP) email."
msgstr ""
"V CIDR notaci (po??ta?/maska) zadejte po??ta?e, jejich? p??choz? po?ta se "
"nem? prohled?vat. M??ete zadat v?ce hodnot, sta?? je odd?lit mezerami. "
"Zkratka ?local? se d? pou??t pro po?tu, kter? vznikla lok?ln? na tomto "
"po??ta?i (nep?i?la p?es SMTP)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:13001
msgid "If this field is left empty, all incoming mail will be scanned."
msgstr "Ponech?te-li pr?zdn?, bude se prohled?vat ve?ker? p??choz? po?ta."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:14001
msgid "Mail addresses whitelist:"
msgstr "Seznam adres s v?jimkou:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please specify the path to a whitelist file, listing email addresses that "
"should cause scanning to be bypassed."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte cestu k souboru, ve kter?m jsou uvedeny emailov? adresy, jejich? "
"po?ta se nebude prohled?vat."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Each line in this file should be a POSIX regular expression; lines starting "
"with \"#\", \":\" or \"!\" will be ignored as comments."
msgstr ""
"Ka?d? ??dek v tomto souboru by m?l b?t POSIXov? regul?rn? v?raz. ??dky "
"za??naj?c? ?#?, ?:? nebo ?!? budou ignorov?ny jako koment??."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Lines may start with \"From:\" (with no space after the colon) to make the "
"whitelisting apply to matching sender addresses; otherwise, or with a \"To:"
"\" prefix, it affects recipient addresses."
msgstr ""
"??dky za??naj?c? ?From:? (bez mezery za dvojte?kou) zp?sob?, ?e se pou?ije "
"v?jimka na z?klad? adresy odes?latele. Pokud uvedete prefix ?To:?, p??padn? "
"prefix vynech?te, pou?ije se adresa p??jemce."
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15001 ../clamav-milter.templates:16001
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "P?ijmout"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15001 ../clamav-milter.templates:16001
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Zam?tnout"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15001 ../clamav-milter.templates:16001
msgid "Defer"
msgstr "Odlo?it"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15001
msgid "Blackhole"
msgstr "?ern? d?ra"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15001
msgid "Quarantine"
msgstr "Karant?na"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15002
msgid "Action to perform on infected messages:"
msgstr "Akce, kter? se m? prov?st na infikovan?ch zpr?v?ch:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15002
msgid "Please choose the action to perform on \"infected\" messages:"
msgstr "Zvolte si akci, kter? se bude prov?d?t na ?infikovan?ch? zpr?v?ch:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:15002
msgid ""
" - Accept : accept the message for delivery;\n"
" - Reject : immediately refuse delivery (with a 5xx error);\n"
" - Defer : return a temporary failure message (4xx);\n"
" - Blackhole : accept the message then drop it;\n"
" - Quarantine: accept the message then quarantine it. With\n"
" Sendmail, the quarantine queue can be examined\n"
" with \"mailq -qQ\". With Postfix, such mails are placed\n"
" on hold."
msgstr ""
" - P?ijmout : p?ijme zpr?vu pro doru?en?;\n"
" - Zam?tnout : okam?it? odm?tne doru?en? (s chybou 5xx);\n"
" - Odlo?it : vr?t? zpr?vu o do?asn? chyb? (4xx);\n"
" - ?ern? d?ra: p?ijme zpr?vu a pak ji zahod?;\n"
" - Karant?na : p?ijme zpr?vu a um?st? ji do karant?ny. V Sendmailu\n"
" m??ete tyto zpr?vy prozkoumat p??kazem ?mailq -qQ?.\n"
" V Postfixu jsou tyto zpr?vy odlo?eny na pozd?ji."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:16002
msgid "Action to perform on error conditions:"
msgstr "Akce p?i chybov?ch podm?nk?ch:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:16002
msgid ""
"Please choose the action to perform on errors such as failure to allocate "
"data structures, no scanners available, network timeouts, unknown scanner "
msgstr ""
"Zvolte, jak? akce se m? prov?st v p??pad?, ?e se objev? chyby typu: "
"nelze alokovat datov? struktury, nejsou dostupn? ??dn? prohled?va?e, "
"s??ov? v?padky, nezn?m? odpov?di od prohled?va??, ..."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:16002
msgid ""
" - Accept: accept the message for delivery;\n"
" - Reject: immediately refuse delivery (with a 5xx error);\n"
" - Defer : return a temporary failure message (4xx)."
msgstr ""
" - P?ijmout : p?ijme zpr?vu pro doru?en?;\n"
" - Zam?tnout: okam?it? odm?tne doru?en? (s chybou 5xx);\n"
" - Odlo?it : vr?t? zpr?vu o do?asn? chyb? (4xx)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:17001
msgid "Specific rejection reason for infected messages:"
msgstr "D?vod zam?tnut? infikovan?ch zpr?v:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Please specify the rejection reason that will be included in reject mails."
msgstr "Zadejte d?vod zam?tnut?, kter? se zobraz? v zam?taj?c?ch mailech."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:17001
msgid "This option is only useful together with \"OnInfected Reject\"."
msgstr "Tato mo?nost je u?ite?n? pouze ve spojen? s volbou ?OnInfected Reject?."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:17001
#, no-c-format
msgid "The \"%v\" string may be used to include the virus name."
msgstr "?et?zcem ?%v? m??ete vlo?it jm?no viru."
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18001
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Nahradit"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18001
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ano"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18001
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18001
msgid "Add"
msgstr "P?idat"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18002
msgid "Add headers to processed messages?"
msgstr "P?idat do zpracovan?ch zpr?v hlavi?ky?"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:18002
msgid ""
"If you choose this option, \"X-Virus-Scanned\" and \"X-Virus-Status\" "
"headers will be attached to each processed message, possibly replacing "
"existing similar headers."
msgstr ""
"Povol?te-li tuto mo?nost, p?idaj? se do ka?d? zpracovan? zpr?vy hlavi?ky "
"?X-Virus-Scanned? a ?X-Virus-Status?, p??padn? pokud ji? podobn? hlavi?ky "
"ve zpr?v? existuj?, mohou je nahradit."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:19001
msgid "Log file for clamav-milter:"
msgstr "Logovac? soubor clamav-milteru:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:19001
msgid ""
"Specify the full path to the clamav-milter log file, which must be writable "
"for the clamav daemon."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte ?plnou cestu k souboru, do kter?ho bude clamav-milter ukl?dat "
"sv? hl??en?. Soubor mus? b?t ?iteln? pro daemona clamav."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:19001
msgid "Logging via syslog is configured independently of this setting."
msgstr "Logov?n? p?es syslog se nastavuje nez?visle na t?to volb?."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:20001
msgid "Disable log file locking?"
msgstr "Zak?zat zamyk?n? logovac?ho souboru?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:20001
msgid ""
"By default the log file is locked for writing. The lock protects against "
"running clamav-milter multiple times. This option disables log file locking."
msgstr ""
"Ve v?choz?m nastaven? se logovac? soubor zamyk? pro z?pis. Z?mek chr?n? "
"p?ed n?sobn?m spou?t?n?m clamav-milter. Touto volbou zamyk?n? logovac?ho "
"souboru zak??ete."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:21001
msgid "Maximum size of the log file (MB):"
msgstr "Maxim?ln? velikost logovac?ho souboru (v MB):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:21001
msgid ""
"Please specify the maximum size for the log file. Using \"0\" will allow "
"that file to grow indefinitely."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte maxim?ln? velikost logovac?ho souboru. Hodnotou ?0? umo?n?te "
"neomezenou velikost (do vy?erp?n? voln?ho m?sta)."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:22001
msgid "Log time with each message?"
msgstr "Zaznamen?vat s ka?dou zpr?vou i ?as ud?losti?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:23001
#| msgid "Do you want to use the system logger?"
msgid "Use system logger?"
msgstr "Pou??t syslog?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:23001
msgid ""
"Please choose whether you want to use the system logger (syslog). This "
"option can be used along with logging in a dedicated file."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte si, zda chcete pro zaznamen?v?n? ud?lost? pou??t syst?mov? logovac? "
"n?stroj (syslog). Tato volba m??e b?t pou?ita sou?asn? s logov?n?m do "
"samostatn?ho souboru."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:24001
msgid "Type of syslog messages:"
msgstr "Typ syslog zpr?v:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:24001
msgid ""
"Please choose the type of syslog messages as detailed in the system logger's "
msgstr ""
"Podle dokumentace ke sv?mu syst?mov?mu logovac?mu daemonu si m??ete zvolit "
"typ zpr?v."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:25001
msgid "Enable verbose logging?"
msgstr "Povolit upov?dan? logov?n??"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:26001
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Vypnuto"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:26001
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Z?kladn?"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:26001
msgid "Full"
msgstr "Pln?"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:26002
msgid "Information to log on infected messages:"
msgstr "Informace, kter? se maj? zaznamen?vat o infikovan?ch zpr?v?ch:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:26002
msgid ""
"Please choose the level of information that will be logged when infected "
"messages are found:\n"
" - Off : no logging;\n"
" - Basic: minimal information;\n"
" - Full : verbose information."
msgstr ""
"Zvolte si mno?stv? informac?, kter? se budou zaznamen?vat v p??pad? n?lezu "
"infikovan? zpr?vy:\n"
" - Vypnuto : nezaznamen? se nic\n"
" - Z?kladn?: minim?ln? informace\n"
" - Pln? : upov?dan? popis."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:27001
msgid "Size limit for scanned messages (MB):"
msgstr "Maxim?ln? velikost prohled?van?ch zpr?v v (MB):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:27001
msgid ""
"Please specify the maximum size for scanned messages. Messages bigger than "
"this limit will not be scanned."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte maxim?ln? velikost prohled?van?ch zpr?v. Zpr?vy v?t?? ne? limit "
"nebudou zkoum?ny."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../clamav-milter.templates:27001
msgid ""
"You should check that this value is lower than the value of \"StreamMaxLength"
"\" in the clamd.conf file."
msgstr ""
"M?li byste se ujistit, ?e je tato hodnota men??, ne? hodnota "
"?StreamMaxLength? uveden? v konfigura?n?m souboru clamd.conf."
#~ msgid "Set to a value of '0' to disable the timeout."
#~ msgstr "Hodnotou ?0? ?asov? limit zru??te."
#~ msgid "Value of 0 disables the limit."
#~ msgstr "Hodnotou ?0? limit zru??te."
#~ msgid "Do you want to enable RAR archive scanning?"
#~ msgstr "Chcete povolit prohled?v?n? RAR archiv??"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This enables the builtin RAR archiver. Use with caution, as the RAR code "
#~ "may have memory leaks. Clamscan can also use external RAR programs, such "
#~ "as unrar, although clamd does not."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "T?mto povol?te zabudovan? RAR kompresor. Pou??vejte s rozvahou, proto?e "
#~ "tento k?d m??e neefektivn? uj?dat pam??. P?esto?e clamscan um? pou??vat "
#~ "extern? RAR programy jako unrar, clamd to neum?."
#~ msgid "Limit on the Archive recursion:"
#~ msgstr "Hloubka rekurze v archivech:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This setting places a limit on recursion within archives, for example, a "
#~ "tar file that is also gzipped."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "T?mto nastaven?m omez?te po?et prohled?van?ch vno?en?ch archiv? (nap?. "
#~ "tar soubor, kter? je z?rove? komprimov?n gzipem)."
#~ msgid "Limit on Archive compression:"
#~ msgstr "Maxim?ln? komprese archivu:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This setting places a limit on compression within archives, to guard "
#~ "against archive bombs (small files that expand to massive ones, a form of "
#~ "Denial of Service attack). However, this limit may be too low for some "
#~ "settings."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "T?mto nastaven?m omez?te kompresi archiv?, abyste se br?nili p?ed "
#~ "komprimovan?mi bombami (mal? soubory, kter? se rozbal? do obrovsk?ch "
#~ "rozm?r? a mohou zp?sobit DoS ?tok -- ?tok odep?en?m slu?by). V n?kter?ch "
#~ "p??padech m??e b?t nastaven? p??li? n?zk?."
#~ msgid "Limit for the maximum number of files in an archive:"
#~ msgstr "Maxim?ln? po?et soubor? v archivu:"
#~ msgid "Largest file size in Mb you will scan inside archives:"
#~ msgstr "Nejv?t?? d?lka souboru v Mb, kter? se m? v archivech prohled?vat:"
#~| msgid "The use of mirrors.txt is no longer supported"
#~ msgid "Use of mirrors.txt no longer supported"
#~ msgstr "Pou?it? mirrors.txt ji? nen? podporov?no"
#~| msgid ""
#~| "During the transition to handling its mirror database through DNS, the "
#~| "clamav team dropped support for the 'mirrors.txt' config file."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "During the transition to handling its mirror database through DNS, the "
#~ "ClamAV team dropped support for the 'mirrors.txt' configuration file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "B?hem p?echodu na udr?ov?n? datab?ze zrcadel pomoc? DNS se v?voj??i "
#~ "ClamAVu rozhodli, ?e p?estanou podporovat konfigura?n? soubor ?mirrors."
#~ "txt?."
#~| msgid ""
#~| "If you have entered additional mirrors there, your file will be backed "
#~| "up as /var/lib/clamav/mirrors.txt.BACKUP."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If additional mirrors are mentioned there, this file will be backed up "
#~ "as /var/lib/clamav/mirrors.txt.BACKUP."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pokud jste do souboru zadali vlastn? zrcadla, bude soubor zaz?lohov?n "
#~ "jako /var/lib/clamav/mirrors.txt.BACKUP."
#~| msgid ""
#~| "If your file was modified, your old mirrors (which may be way too many) "
#~| "will be added to the new /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf configuration file, "
#~| "using the DatabaseMirror keyword. Please examine freshclam.conf "
#~| "carefully after the update is through."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If the file was modified, old mirrors (which may be way too many) will be "
#~ "added to the new /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf configuration file, using the "
#~ "DatabaseMirror keyword. Please examine freshclam.conf carefully after the "
#~ "update completes."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pokud jste soubor zm?nili, budou star? zrcadla (kter?ch m??e b?t p??li? "
#~ "mnoho) p?id?na do nov?ho konfigura?n?ho souboru /etc/clamav/freshclam."
#~ "conf pomoc? kl??ov?ho slova DatabaseMirror. Po aktualizaci pros?m soubor "
#~ "freshclam.conf prozkoumejte a opravte p??padn? podivnosti."
#~| msgid "Clamav sockets and pids now in /var/run/clamav"
#~ msgid "ClamAV sockets and PID files now in /var/run/clamav"
#~ msgstr "ClamAV nyn? ukl?d? sockety a pid soubory do /var/run/clamav"
#~| msgid ""
#~| "ClamAV now runs as the non-priviledged user clamav by default. If your "
#~| "previous configuration relied on a socket or pid in /var/run, clam will "
#~| "not start after this upgrade. Please run dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base, "
#~| "and when asked about the socket, please change its location to /var/run/"
#~| "clamav/, and update the configuration of any software that uses this "
#~| "socket (e.g., exim, amavis)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "ClamAV now runs as the non-privileged user clamav by default. If the "
#~ "previous configuration relied on a socket or pid in /var/run, clam will "
#~ "not start after this upgrade. Please run 'dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base', "
#~ "and when asked about the socket, change its location to /var/run/clamav/, "
#~ "and update the configuration of any software that uses this socket (e.g., "
#~ "Exim, AMaVis)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ClamAV nyn? implicitn? b??? jako neprivilegovan? u?ivatel clamav. Pokud "
#~ "va?e p?edchoz? konfigurace spol?hala na socket nebo pid ve /var/run, po "
#~ "t?to aktualizaci se clam nerozb?hne. V takov?m p??pad? spus?te ?dpkg-"
#~ "reconfigure clamav-base? a na ot?zku o socketu zm??te jeho um?st?n? na /"
#~ "var/run/clamav/ a p??slu?n? upravte nastaven? ostatn?ch program?, kter? "
#~ "tento socket pou??vaj? (nap?. Exim, AMaVis)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you don't know what network interface you use to connect to the "
#~ "internet leave this field blank and the daemon will be started from the "
#~ "init scripts instead."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jestli?e nev?te, jak? s??ov? rozhran? pou??v?te pro p?ipojen? k "
#~ "Internetu, ponechte pole pr?zdn? a daemon bude m?sto toho spu?t?n z init "
#~ "skript?."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you do leave it blank make sure the computer is connected to the "
#~ "internet at all times or your logs will be really hard to interpret."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nech?te-li pole pr?zdn?, zajist?te aby byl v?? po??ta? v?dy p?ipojen k "
#~ "Internetu, proto?e jinak se budou va?e logy velmi ?patn? interpretovat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You need to answer this question if you want to allow the daemon to "
#~ "follow directory symlinks. The value 0 disables maximal directory depth "
#~ "limit."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Chcete-li, aby daemon n?sledoval symbolick? odkazy na adres??e, mus?te "
#~ "tuto ot?zku zodpov?d?t. Hodnotou 0 limit zru??te."
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