[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#578133: clamav-daemon: clamav contains remote detonator

Stefan Hornburg (Racke) racke at linuxia.de
Sat Apr 17 09:05:56 UTC 2010

Michael Tautschnig wrote:
>> Package: clamav-daemon
>> Version: 0.94.dfsg.2-1lenny2
>> Severity: normal
>> Apparently the ClamAV software contains a remote detonator so the clamav
>> team can disable the software through an update sequence. This can knock any
>> mailserver (for example) offline running the version they deem fit to
>> disable.
>> Please remove this code in at least the debian package, or replace it by one
>> that does not run updates but not simply bomb out the daemon.
> [...]
> This ain't as easy: Upstream can at any time (and this is what they did this
> time as well) choose to release "broken" signature files that can't be parsed by
> clamav-daemon. What sysadmins could do, of course, is simply disabling
> freshclam.

At any rate, if the maintainer wants to act upon this the choice should be
given to the end user whether the "detonator" is active or not.

I would rather choose to get bombed out than getting no more updates.

In the current case, only people with really outdated installations were
affected (all sarge or etch/lenny not using volatile).


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