[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#658665: Bug#658665: clamav-daemon: assumes clamav uid and gid are the same

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Sun Mar 4 03:01:46 UTC 2012

> This one time, at band camp, Matt Taggart said:
> > Package: clamav-daemon
> > Version: 0.97.3+dfsg-1~lenny1
> > 
> > Somewhere in clamav-daemon it's assuming that the clamav uid and gid are
> > the same. If I remove /var/run/clamav/clamav.ctl and then restart clamav,
> > I get this
> > 
> > /var/run/clamav# ls -la clamd.ctl
> > s---------  1 clamav postdrop    0 Feb  4 15:07 clamd.ctl
> > 
> > On my system the clamav user has uid 108 and the postdrop group has gid 108.
> > 
> > When I set them to both use the same number then it works
> > 
> > srw-rw-rw-  1 clamav clamav     0 Feb  4 15:58 clamd.ctl
> Can you send the output of `getent passwd clamav` ?

And maybe also the relevant config snippets, which should be all LocalSocket.*
in clamd.conf?

Thanks a lot,

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