[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#554005: Bug#554005: Get apparmor from Ubuntu patches integrated

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 3 21:36:46 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 pending


sorry that it took so long, but I just merged the AppArmor support from 
Ubuntu into the Debian package.

Installing the packages with this results in the following warning:
profile /usr/bin/freshclam network rules not enforced
profile /usr/sbin/clamd network rules not enforced

I think this warning shows up, because AppArmor still uses some 
out-of-tree kernel patches, see Bug#712451 [1].
That will be fixed, when these make it into a Debian kernel.

Best regards,

1: https://bugs.debian.org/712451

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