[Pkg-clamav-devel] LogRotate, create user and the option in the config

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Wed Mar 26 07:26:41 UTC 2014

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 21:02:56 Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:
> On 2014-03-25 16:55:56 [+0100], Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
> > Hi Sebastian,
> Hi Andreas,
> > >- After reconfigure (dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base) and switching the
> > >
> > >   clamd user to bla I have:
> > >   /etc/clamav/clamd.conf: User bla
> > >   /etc/clamav/clamd.conf: LogRotate true
> > >   /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-daemon:     create 640  clamav adm
> > >   /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam:     create 640  clamav adm
> > >   /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-milter:     create 640  clamav adm
> > >   and I think clamav-daemon's should be swich to "bla adm"
> > 
> > It would be nice, if this would read "bla adm", but I think one has to
> > additionally run dpkg-reconfigure clamav-{daemon,freshclam,milter} to
> > achieve this. But that was broken: [ -n "$LogRotate" ] is true independent
> > of whether $LogRotate is 'true' or 'false'.
> > [ "$LogRotate" = "true" ] should be correct.
> And I introdcued this. So slowly begin to understand that part.
> > Please confirm that this is fixed now, or yell if it is not.
> It got way better.
> After flipping lograte in configure, clamd.conf gets updated right way.
> freshclam.conf is only updated after the dpkg-reconfigure "freshclam".
> Haven't look at milter yet.
> The part that I don't like is that you to run dpkg-reconfigure on those
> packages again. Is this something that should be fixed or is this
> something that is documented and the user should know about it?
> Would it make sense to move the logrotate part into the individual
> package (before now I wasn't aware that freshclam has also one :)) so
> that logrotate.d files and the .conf are update after the change has
> been made? That would then properly close #669287 then.

Before clamav had this new LogRotate option, the system handled it itself.  
The more I'm looking at it, the more I think we should make LogRotate false 
and set the file size option to 0 and not have clamav anything about rotating 
the files.  Let lograte do it like it did before.  We've clearly added a bunch 
more complexity to potentially expose to the user and I'm not sure what it 

On platforms that don't have a good log rotation facility, this might make 
sense, but the more I look at it, the less I think we need it.

Scott K
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