[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#704656: clamav-unofficial-sigs: 704656: non-actionable cron spam

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Mon May 12 03:13:31 UTC 2014

Control: forwarded -1 Bill Landry <unofficialsigs at gmail.com>
Control: tags -1 + patch

On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 11:57:42AM +0200, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:

> Then this needs more investigation.

This is caused by the upstream database producers being a bit lax in
their QA and releasing files that don't pass clamscan.

> I looked into this and found that this error message comes from
> clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh [1].

Indeed, CCing upstream on this mail, Bill, full discussion here:


Bill, would it be possible for you to apply the attached patch to show
the errors reported by clamscan so that they can be reported to the
relevant database providers?

Sometimes it is possible to put workarounds in place to modify the
broken clamav sig file to remove problematic lines. Would it be possible
to add a mechanism to run some arbitrary commands on the gpg-verified
in-cache database files?

Is there any way we can get all the database providers to verify their
databases with clamscan before they push them out?

Perhaps when clamscan fails, clamav-unofficial-sigs should provide
contact details for the relevant upstream database providers so that
sysadmins can inform them that their databases are broken.


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