[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#775400: clamav-freshclam: freshclam cant download virus definitions

Ulrich Schmidt u.sch.zw at gmx.de
Sat Jan 24 17:41:20 UTC 2015

Am Samstag, 24. Januar 2015, 12:34:09 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Ulrich,
> On 23.01.2015 21:49, Ulrich Schmidt wrote:
> > I was able to reproduce the bug with the bugged HTTPProxyServer entry in
> > freshclam.conf:
> > 
> > - I installed a fresh debian testing (kde-desktop)
> > - i installed the packages clamav + clamav-daemon in one install run using
> > apper.
> > 
> > result: a broken HTTPProxyServer entry in freshclam.conf
> I tried to reproduce this in Virtualbox, but unfortunately I can't.
> After installing clamav and clamav-daemon using apper, there is no
> HTTPProxyServer entry in freshclam.conf.
> Can you reproduce this problem in Virtualbox?
> Best regards,
> Andreas

Ok, after aprox. 10 fresh Installs here the result:

I am able to reproduce the bug by doing the following:
- allow non-free software => result: 
  apper informs me about a update for a realtek driver. "firmware-realtek V0.43"
After the installation of this driver-update and installing clamav+clamav-daemon we see the buggy lines in freshclam.conf

I now deselected non-free software and i got no update notification. Installing clamav+clamav-daemon worked well.

It seems this bug is related to the realtec driver.

Ulrich Schmidt.

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