[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#788652: Logrotate fails if clamav-freshclam is not running as a daemon under systemd

John Zaitseff J.Zaitseff at zap.org.au
Sat Jun 13 19:45:07 UTC 2015

Package: clamav-freshclam
Version: 0.98.7+dfsg-0+deb8u1

Dear maintainer,

Thanks for packaging ClamAV for Debian!  There is a problem,
however, with the file /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam under
systemd: it fails if clamav-freshclam is not running as a daemon
(such as being run via a cron job, as is the case on my system).

In particular, if the daemon is not active, "systemctl -q is-active"
returns an error value of 3, which causes the script to fail.

The solution is to add "|| :" to the end of that line.  The attached
patch does exactly that.  Could you please apply it.

I'm guessing systemd is still new to all of us---certainly to me!

Yours truly,

John Zaitseff

John Zaitseff                    ,--_|\    The ZAP Group
Phone:  +61 2 9643 7737         /      \   Sydney, Australia
E-mail: J.Zaitseff at zap.org.au   \_,--._*   http://www.zap.org.au/
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